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Iyengar Yoga Association of California Southern Region honors veterans, active duty service members and spouses of active duty service members by providing the very best yoga teachers in San Diego County. Iyengar Yoga is based on classical, traditional practice that has helped warriors integrate their experiences from their service into their healthful daily life.

For over a decade CIYTs have worked with Wounded Warriors, active duty 

service members and veterans, reporting the following benefits: 

  • Better coping mechanisms to deal with combat post-traumatic stress

  • Reduced stress in everyday life

  • Improved brain function through concentration and focus

  • Increased poise and balance and a feeling of being centered

  • Enhanced coordination

  • lowered stress levels through integration of breathing and movement

  • Relief from a feeling of anxiety

  • Developed a healthy, balanced breathing pattern

  • Increased body awareness and alignment of inner and outer bodies

Contact Barbara Lyon at (619) 992-8720 for more information.

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